President of NEA Says Teachers Have to Adapt Curriculum for the “chronically ‘tarded and medically annoying”

There’s an article making the rounds on Facebook with the title “Plane passenger asked teacher a rude question about her job. Her response is PERFECT!

The video featured comes from the YouTube account of the Campaign for America’s Future with this description:

“National Education Association president Lily Eskelsen García explains the vital work of public school teachers at the Campaign for America’s Future Awards Gala October 27, 2015 in Washington, where she received on one of the organization’s Progressive Champion awards. For more details on this event, go to”

Listen closely as she speeds up her speech pattern and begins to list the types of students that teachers have to accommodate in public school classrooms (around the 1:50 mark).


The president of the “the nation’s largest labor union,” the group that represents over 3 million teachers, the men and women who work with our children every day, referred to children with special needs as “chronically ‘tarded and medically annoying.” AND this was during an acceptance speech for a “Progressive Champion” award!?

And we wonder why we still have to fight for inclusion….

If you’d like Lily to explain herself – let her know. She’s on Twitter


“Chronically ‘tarded & medically annoying” is neither progressive nor acceptable @NEAToday @Lily_NEA @OurFuture #UnacceptableExample


You can also let your voice be heard on the NEA Facebook page.



This speech was highlighted on by Angie Aker with the headline “A plane passenger asked a teacher a kind of rude question about her job. She responded eloquently!

At the bottom of the page, they offer a transcript of the video.

“We diversify our curriculum instruction to meet the personal individual needs of all of our students the blind, the hearing impaired, the physically challenged, the gifted and talented, the chronically [inaudible 00:01:54] and the medically annoying.”

Even Upworthy wasn’t sure what she said – or didn’t want to print it.
Tweet: Calling children #ChronicallyTarded & #MedicallyAnnoying is not eloquent! @Upworthy @Lily_NEA @ANGIEaker


Calling children #ChronicallyTarded & #MedicallyAnnoying is not eloquent! @Upworthy @Lily_NEA @ANGIEaker


Update (11/29/15): The American Association of People with Disabilities has issued a press release condemning Garcia’s remarks and a petition has been created asking for her resignation.

Update (11/30/15): Two more national organizations have published statements condemning Garcia’s remarks:

The National Down Syndrome Society and The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates

Article appears in The Mighty

A public explanation/apology appears on her blog


74 thoughts on “President of NEA Says Teachers Have to Adapt Curriculum for the “chronically ‘tarded and medically annoying”

  1. I don’t buy her apology. That was a rant, period. A rant about all kinds of students and what any teacher has to put up with. I wouldn’t want any of my kids to have a teacher like that, the ones in general ed nor the one in Special Ed.


  2. The comment “chronically tarded and “medically annoying” followed the definition of “special education” from the Individual’s with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). People that legitimately KNOW the information contained in IDEA therefore are completely aware of what was said.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hate to break it to you, but, if you do a search in IDEA the words “chronically” and “annoying” are not in the document. Would you mind quoting directly so we can “legitimately KNOW” what you’re talking about?

      This is from the “Definitions” section of IDEA

      ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The term ‘child with a disability’
      means a child—
      ‘‘(i) with mental retardation, hearing impairments
      (including deafness), speech or language impairments, visual impairments (including blindness), serious emo- tional disturbance (referred to in this title as ‘emo- tional disturbance’), orthopedic impairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, or specific learning disabilities; and
      ‘‘(ii) who, by reason thereof, needs special edu- cation and related services.
      ‘‘(B) CHILD AGED 3 THROUGH 9.—The term ‘child with
      a disability’ for a child aged 3 through 9 (or any subset of that age range, including ages 3 through 5), may, at the discretion of the State and the local educational agency, in- clude a child—
      ‘‘(i) experiencing developmental delays, as defined by the State and as measured by appropriate diag- nostic instruments and procedures, in 1 or more of the following areas: physical development; cognitive devel- opment; communication development; social or emo- tional development; or adaptive development; and
      ‘‘(ii) who, by reason thereof, needs special edu- cation and related services.”

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  3. I myself was a special needs child, there is too much stigma about what it means to be special needs and mentally ill. Also the media doesn’t help. Though I will say this I am not a retard nor am I ignorant, but this woman is very ignorant because she has never been a special needs kid and I feel sorry for her ignorance and for those who are ignorant. I hope someday people will learn that those who are special needs are just as important as those who aren’t. We are all people and human also we have feelings just like everyone else’s does.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. What a stupid non-controversy. She said “tardy.” People are so eager to be offended that they believe things that don’t even make sense. What a waste. We should be fighting the real enemies to advocate for our kids instead of stupid nonsense like this.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Depending on the reason for the chronically tardy, there may certainly be a need to change or accommodate curriculum. Any student who is chronically tardy has a reason behind it, be it special ed or for other reasons. People on the ball would make a point of finding out why, and then help be problem-solving it, or accommodating it.

        BTW, My 16 year old son with autism was chronically late for most of 8th grade because his bedtime medication regime stopped working and it took a long time to get the right cocktail in place.

        And, you can bet your bottom that they accommodated that situation.

        Don’t be so quick to judge a situation or stereo type what kind of student may face chronic tardiness. Homeless kids, kids in homes with chronic problems, or who’s parents have to be a job when the child needs to be up and out the door, and have trouble doing it with out help day, after day, after day.

        There are children living lives that are more complicated or filled with odds that would crush you.

        If the point is to make the best educational situation out of an imperfect situation, then hell yes, you accommodate thehell out of it.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. You need to listen again…she did say “chronically ‘tarded and medically annoying.” I listened several times, because i too, would like to believe that this woman who is the President of the NEA say chronically tardy, but that isn’t what she said. Perhaps that’s what she meant to say? however, with following up with …medically annoying….I’m believing what my ears heard several times, and that was “chronically, ‘tarded.”

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      1. She was talking about the blind, the hearing impaired, the physically impaired, gifted and talented and followed with another “ability” label…she wasn’t talking about behavior, she said “chronically tarded” which fits in with the context of what she preceded it with.

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  5. my child is one of those kids she call chronically tarded and medically annoying. This lady is ignorant. Parents like myself fight for inclusion. This is the reason parents like myself fight daily for our childrens rights. And if I were ever to meet this lady she would get an ear full. These kids are special needs kids who deserve the rights others have. They have a right to be excepted and got to school like their peers. She would be one to like these kids not to be seen or heard from an probably locked out of the view of the public. An as long as I breath my child will be seen and heard from an not have her rights violated. This person needs to wake up and realize it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. my mom was one like you ma,am miss Teresa my grand ma
      was too we came a long way to be call special needs now iam from
      Missouri we are loved by all our doctors in Kirksville went to heaven in 97 and my grand ma in93


  6. Tempest in a teapot, and context is everything. Have people listened to the video, in which she was speed reading at 3-4 times normal pace. This is a witch hunt based on contagious outrage without substance. Have you found any other example of Ms. García showing a denigrating attitude toward students – or any group of students?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree context IS everything. The sentence listed the groups of students for whom teachers adapt curriculum. The only two groups not listed were those with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and those who are medically fragile. Instead, we get “chronically ‘tard(ed/y) and medically annoying. Regardless of the intent – the joke was not funny to those of us who understand and have experienced the feelings and bias behind such a list.

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    2. jeffreytoddgaynor, I agree with you 100%.

      I’m the parent of a child with special medical needs, and I know it’s tough being the parent of a special needs child, fighting for your kid to be accepted, respected, and properly cared for in school. But when I watched the video of Ms. Garcia speaking, I found nothing to be offended by.

      Like you said, she was reading very fast and I think “tarded” was a plain old mis-read of “tardy.” (I know that if I read a list that long, that fast, I’d probably misread several things, not just one.)

      “Medically annoying” was a poor choice of words but I don’t think she was talking about kids with special medical needs at all. I think she was talking about kids who are so consistently, persistently, seriously annoying that you think there must be something genuinely wrong with them, some problem that needs treatment that’s causing the annoying behavior. (I myself was that kind of kid for part of 6th grade. I made my teacher’s life absolutely miserable for a few months.)

      My overall impression of Ms. Garcia from the video was actually very positive. To me she looks and sounds like an intelligent, energetic, and caring advocate for both teachers and kids. I think a lot of upset and anger is being directed at her, that isn’t really about her.


    3. Does she have to do it twice for it to have meaning??? I think once is more than enough.
      I understand that she was speed reading in an effort at being light about all that teachers do, however, some things should not be made light of…if she called an African American child the “N” word the world would be all over it, but it’s ok to talk the way she did and use the words she did for children that are developmentally delayed or have other difficulties? Above all others these children need advocates in our educational system not someone that sees them as an inconvenience.
      I call bullsh*t.

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  7. Why on earth is this woman blaming the children who have issues byond their control? She should be calling for more funding & support staff in schools to handle the additional issues in classrooms for the betterment of all students instead of insulting children. She needs to be fired.

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      1. Are you sleeping with her or what? You continue to come to her defense when what really needs to happen is an apology. Quit making excuses for her and blaming everyone else for “misunderstanding” her! Really?!?!

        Liked by 2 people

  8. At the very least, teachers, other NEA members, disability rights organizations, and parents of kids with disabilities start a petition demanding that NEA oust this woman as president. If she had made such pejorative comments about racial minorities, religious minorities, etc. this would be all over the news and she would be fired already. As the blind mom with 2 kids, I find the fact that this prejudiced person is head of our nation’s largest teacher’s organization horrifying.

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      1. Yes, I saw it. 🙂 I’ve already shared it with several Facebook groups for activists with disabilities and blind parents.


  9. In other news NEA has now announced a new synonym for the word “medically”.

    CYA has also been added to their vocabulary.

    There is no way to get around the medically annoying, you can see by her face how annoying those “medical” children are to her, by her facial expressions alone when she stresses the “medically annoying”.

    The chronically tarded may be a freudian slip, but doubtful seems she is more interested in making people laugh, at the expense of the “chronically tarded” and medically annoying”.

    The apology she gives here, is full of lies and is even worse than the video. While I watched the video, even the story on the airplane sounds like a load of crap. Im a business man, bottom lie it, blah blah, blah, punch line. Its just another introductory framing and narrative to lead up to your punch line to get more laughs.

    This is disgusting.

    Thats NEA…

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    1. Absolutely, GHT. I concur. I have never heard of an alternate definition for the adverb “medically”, so I did some research. Well, what do you know?! I DID NOT find a definition of “medically” other than the common definition of “pertaining to medicine”, etc.

      Alternate meaning, my rear end! How many of us would ever use MEDICALLY instead of EXTREMELY? That’s right… NONE OF US. Looks like we know something that the NEA Prez doesn’t! Nice try, but no dice, lady. Gotcha!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Wow! Unbelievable! Actually sickening! Medically annoying, and chronically tarded?!? You are supposed to be the “voice” of all teachers…I am so sorry that my Type 1 Diabetic son is “Medically Annoying”!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. So the transcript does not clearly define what she said? Let’s be adults, then, and stop putting words into the lady’s mouth. In addition, she is not calling special needs students, I’ll go with what was confirmed she said, “medically annoying”. She said that teachers are meeting the individual needs of all students, including the medically annoying. What or who she specifically meant by these words, I don’t know, but again, I’m going to be a grown up and not put words in her mouth.

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    1. I wonder if you would do if had a child with a chronic disease that had to be monitored on an hourly basis. Especially when you have to fight with nurses, aids, teachers, and principals to be assured that rules are being followed so you feel like your child will not experience a life threatening low blood sugar that can kill him or her. Especially when you have the same responsibilities the other 16+ hours of the day for a little human that is your whole entire world. If you were in that position, and weren’t offended by someone calling them medically annoying, then I would wonder a little bit about your heart. These children were already given a raw deal, and these parents care and trust our schools way to much to be slapped in the face but such a thoughtless comment. Just please stop and think about it. You have no idea. Several of us parents do.

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  12. Upworthy totally knew what she said. They were just too chicken shit to be honest about it.
    Regardless of how you feel regarding special needs children in mainstream classes, thinking it’s funny or EVER acceptable to call them ‘tarded and annoying is horrifying. How dare she. She has no business calling herself an educator while displaying such ignorance.

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  13. I agree with her! It’s NOT fair to these teachers. I have a niece who is 9 and in diapers and her mother insists she be in a regular classroom. This poor 3rd grade teacher DID NOT SIGN up to wipe the ass of a 9 year old. Sorry. And to deal with her constant outburst is NOT FAIR to the other kids. It is annoying to say the least. She should most def be in a special ed class and is crazy her mom even has that choice! Parents need to open their eyes and stop vaccinating their kids and damaging their brains and if they want to stay willfully ignorant, they should not expect the rest of us to revolve around them.


    1. So my daughter who is a beautiful, smart, talented child, but also a type 1 diabetic should not be included because it’s “unfair” to other kids? Kids who are fortunate enough to not have to check their blood sugar and give themselves shots several times a day, should maybe have to wait an extra minute before gym class for a blood sugar test that could save her life? Let’s switch places and then we can talk about “fair”. I think you may choose to teach yourself and your child about compassion after living for a day as a parent of a “medically annoying” type 1 diabetic child.

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    2. I think you need to educate yourself. Parents of children who experience disabilities mostly don’t want the world to revolve around them. However they just want what is best for their child as any parent wants for any child. So far a s vaccinations. That study used altered results to try and prove vaccines caused these issues. Have you seen the diseases that we vaccinate against. I have as an experienced pediatric nurse and they can be horrible . There are two sides to every story so be careful who you are making judgments on.If your niece is in a regular classroom with behaviors and needs as you describe it is also the school systems responsibility to provide an attendant for her. Her mom can demand that…


  14. See, when even a “professional” doesn’t understand the derogatory, absolute ignorance of using the word “retarded”….there is no hope for the rest of the county, I guess. My child is retarded in her eyes and not only that but his medical needs are annoying. You think they are “annoying” for you and the teachers? Try living every day with them. Especially if you’re HIM. You need to step down Ms. Eskelsen Garcia. Effective immediately. You can apologize all you want but I’m not sure I (as a parent of a child with special needs and medical issues) am willing to forgive. You can say that’s not what you meant all you want, your comments whether you were making an attempt to be funny, weren’t. I wonder how many other teachers harbor this ill will towards children like mine?

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  15. I would LOVE to educate this witch, who obviously has not learned basic human decency. The fact that she is receiving an award explains A LOT about what is wrong with Special Education.

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  16. I very much want to walk away from this issue because I find it so upsetting and a futile conversation at best. However, I am simply unable to do so without a least sharing my thoughts. I believe Mrs. Garcia’s comments are a direct reflection of not only our educational systems beliefs but also cultural and societal beliefs about people with intellectual disabilities. I have read in several places that what Mrs. Garcia meant to say and what “it sounded” like were different. Her lack of ownership and accountablility for her vulgar words only makes this situation more disheartening. It is nonsense that she meant “chronically tardy or extremely annoying.” In the context of the speech she referring to children for whom curriculum needs to be diversified, the hearing impaired, the blind, the gifted, et cetera and we’re supposed to believe she meant to say chronically tardy and not chronically tarded. Really? She left out one of the main groups for which curriculum needs to be modified, individualized and diversified but added a group of children who are late to school. I would ask you, which group needs diversification to their curriculum, late children or intellectually impaired? She said exactly what she meant to say.

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    1. I agree- this sounds more like CYA than anything else. Now she’s treating parents like they are morons? Since when are the words “medically” and “extremely” synonyms? What a bad attitude- people like this bring shame to the wonderful teachers out there and make the entire profession look bad!

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      1. As the Great Aunt to a special needs child who is mentally and physically challenged I need to say.”You did say that in your speech and it was caught and heard by many” You need to step down from your position immediately!! You deserve no award except maybe an award for being such an ass!!! These children are God’s special children brought into this world by him to parents who he knows are strong that they can handle those lives. Teachers of special nerds children were taught to have compassion for these challenged children.I say you apparently can’t handle that so I think it’s time to turn in your award and resign today!!!

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  17. Thank you for letting me know your concerns. To correct the major misunderstanding, in my remarks I mention “chronically tardy” not “chronically retarded”. Also, in an attempt at humor I mention students who are “medically annoying” referring to any typical student who is doing something really annoying in class – “medically” meaning “extremely”.

    I understand completely that you do not see humor in my remarks. I also understand that the impact of my words on you hurt and angered you and that surely was not my intent. Good intentions, however, still have impact, and so I apologize for using a phrase that could be so easily misunderstood that it appeared I was referring to medically fragile students. I never have and never will disparage the children I have spent my life serving.

    I hope you will accept my apology.


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    1. Thank you for addressing this issue so quickly. I sympathize with how much teachers are expected to do on a daily basis and appreciate the intent of your speech. However, as a parent of a special needs child who was not willingly accepted in the general education classroom, was classified as “unteachable” and left to languish in a corner with his para-professional I am sensitive to the words used in this context. I also understand the NEA position on IDEA being unfunded, but have a problem when the innocent children are the butt of jokes because teachers are overworked and frustrated.

      I accept your apology and will share your response with other concerned parents.

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      1. You’re a better person than me, Walkersvillemom. The teachers are part of the under-funding problem. If teachers would advocate honestly for their students, rather than cower in fear of losing their jobs and pensions if they broke ranks in IEP meetings, perhaps Washington, DC, would start paying attention to the true scope of the needs of local school districts. I’ve heard it plenty: teachers are told what to say in IEP meetings. Special education needs aren’t denied because of budget deficits (that’s illegal, as we all know), but because the needs are not real or serious enough. It’s systemic educational malpractice. Special education teachers who climb the ladder to assistant principal, principal, etc., develop convenient amnesia about the needs of the special education students they allegedly serve.

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    2. I have played the clip over and over. I believe you said chronically tarded, not tardy. You shouldn’t have to have a child with special needs to truly understand how awful your comment was. Hard to believe that a women of your age doesn’t know better.

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    3. No. You said it. You can’t admit it because you would be deservedly relieved of your position. Until you do admit it, your apology rings hollow. You have become a politician and are no longer a teacher.

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    4. As the grandmother of a special needs little boy I (and my family) take offense at the statements you made in your speech. Not only were they insensitive but terribly offensive! My grandson is a handsome, medically fragile child who would not be able to make it in a regular classroom. He is developmentally delayed, has several life threatening diseases and his immune system is also compromised! Accepting your apology would, in essence, be agreeing with what you said. You claim that it was a misunderstanding, but, I’ve watched the video and it is very clear what you said…and it wasn’t “tardy.” I know how much work teachers have to do. My mother was a teacher and I have many family members who are also teachers. It is hard work but they are teachers because they love the children they see every day. I’m sorry that the NEA has not terminated you because they need to. Your insensitivity to special needs and medically fragile students, like my grandson, should definitely disqualify you for your position.

      Thank you for your apology…I’m not buying it!

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    5. As a “medically annoying” (significant seizure disorder. but not grand mal, teachers are heroes for putting up with that! partial complex, gosh how difficult for the people around me) former student AND former teacher, I call shenanigans.

      This isn’t an apology. This is CYA,

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    6. I personally believe anyone that would use words like that in any way when referring to children have no place in the education system in any way. I believe you are a horrible, vile excuse for a human being. I would encourage all parents to petition the NEA to accept or request her resignation. The children of this country do not deserve to be spoken of like that, by someone whose job is to help protect them.

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    7. I’m the mother of a child with special medical needs. I homeschooled my daughter for several years because no ordinary public school in our area could accommodate her needs in a regular classroom. Then I found a small independent study charter school where she could attend enrichment classes two days a week — with excellent, cheerful accommodation of her special medical needs by school director and teachers — and do her academic curriculum at home. She attended that school last year and part of this year. (We are back to homeschooling now, but not because of any problem with the school or the teachers.)

      I’m giving you this background so that you can understand my response to your remarks at the Campaign for America’s Future Awards. I read the introduction to the video of your remarks, and most of the comments by readers, on Walkersvillemom, before I watched the video. I also read your apology. My initial reaction to “chronically ‘tarded” and “medically annoying” was negative. But I could believe that you meant “tardy.” And I also know that with so many “normal” children these days having learning problems, behavioral issues, asthma, allergies, etc. — a regular classroom teacher has a very complex job, almost a hybrid teacher/school nurse position. So I could understand “medically annoying” in that context. (Heck, I know my own child’s medical needs are annoying to both my child and me many times a day!)

      Then I watched the video of your remarks, twice, and I want to say that I fully accept your apology. I see the major points you were trying to make — about teachers working hard to accommodate a wide variety of special needs and about the incredible list of important life lessons and skills teachers are trying to teach along with the critical academic skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic. To make your points, you read a long list of things at high speed and it’s easy for me to understand that you could misread “tardy” as “tarded.” I can also understand your using “medically annoying” to mean “extremely annoying” — I take it as “annoying to the point where it seems there should be a DSM diagnosis for this kind of behavior” (because some kids really are “impervious” to social feedback at a dysfunctional level!).

      I can understand that many parents of special needs kids could be offended by “tarded” and “medically annoying.” I hope you’ll be careful to avoid things like that in the future. But I believe your intentions really were good and your attitude toward children, including special needs kids, really is caring.

      Over the last couple of years I have come to greatly appreciate the life skills and lessons that good teachers impart to their students — because I’ve seen that my child has missed out on a lot of good learning in those areas while being an only child being homeschooled. So many times I have thought, “Why doesn’t she know that…do that…value that…?” and realized “Well, where did I learn it? In school! All those life lessons my teachers taught, that I never thought of teaching explicitly myself…” So I could see your point in reading a long list of important lessons teachers teach outside the academics — this really is a valuable contribution teachers make to our children’s lives!

      I also want to say that I enjoyed your story about the talkative businessman in the middle seat on the airplane and your response to him. Thanks for sharing it!


    8. Nice try to cover your butt, but I don’t buy it, not one bit. You ate CLEARLY saying ” chronically tardED” and “medically annoying”. THIS does not need any clarification, we all know EXACTLY what you mean. As you are the president of the NEA, and an educator, no less, you should have superior command of the Englsh language and should be able to communicate clearly, without any need of clarification. The fact that you have madE statements that have clearly upset many people, and the fact that you feel the need to “clarify” these statements, illustrates the fact that you are not properly capable to fulfill this particular duty of your position. Do yourself a favor, and RESIGN immediately, because I am telling you right now, I and other highly insulted parents will not be quiet until you are GONE.


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    9. Excuse me, but how the heck do you adapt your curriculum for the tardy? That is B.S. Kids who are tardy get disciplined, they don’t need the curriculum adapted. The same for kids who are being annoying, which you shouldn’t be calling any kids annoying in your speech either. I have always believed that people use humor to say things that they really believe without outright saying them, and your colors are shining through. I am so glad I homeschool my kids so they don’t have to deal with people like you.

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    10. I too found great offense at the comment when I heard it. I’m not sure why you sped up that whole part of your speech, but in doing so it also provides a very easy way of covering up the words said, whether intentional or not. I accept your apology, but I would like an explanation on another matter.

      I have very grave concerns with your embrace of the ESEA reauthorization and actually urging your members to support it when they haven’t even seen the final draft. As someone who is VERY involved in education matters but isn’t an educator, I have learned quite a few things. First off, the union leaders serve their members, not students. That is first and foremost in their job functions. Second of all, if even part of legislation isn’t good, than it should be scrapped entirely. Cheerleading a bill that has more holes in it than a donut factory is a very dangerous thing to do.

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    11. Lily, it’s funny that you, the president of NEA and the leader of 3 million teachers, consider “medically” a synonym for “extremely”. Here are all the synonyms of “medically”, according to Merriam-Webster: “medically [-] The word you’ve entered isn’t in the thesaurus.”

      On the other hand, these are the synonyms for “extremely”: “achingly, almighty, archly, awful, awfully, badly, beastly, blisteringly, bone, colossally, corking, cracking, damn, damned, dang, deadly, desperately, eminently, enormously, especially, ever, exceedingly (also exceeding), extra, extremely, fabulously, fantastically, far, fiercely, filthy, frightfully, full, greatly, heavily, highly, hugely, immensely, incredibly, intensely, jolly, majorly, mightily, mighty, monstrous [chiefly dialect], mortally, most, much, particularly, passing, rattling, real, really, right, roaring, roaringly, seriously, severely, so, sore, sorely, spanking, specially, stinking, such, super, supremely, surpassingly, terribly, that, thumping, too, unco, uncommonly, vastly, vitally, way, whacking, wicked, wildly”, courtesy of Merriam-Webster.


    12. To be completely honest, I thing your apology is BS, and you are making up a very weak excuse. If your statement was read as you are restating it, it would be nonsensical. I am so glad you were never a teacher to my children because they had/have real teachers that teach acceptance, compassion, and understanding. The terms “chronically tarded” and “medically annoying” are terms an ignorant bully would use.

      If you truly are a teacher and a leader you would own up to your mistakes and get to know these students that you have insulted and made a joke of. If you put as much time into getting to know them as you put into insulting them, you may be surprised at how much they have to teach you. My son, who is non-verbal and in a wheelchair, has taught me more in his ten years than all of my teachers from Kindergarten through College combined.

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    13. Can you show me where medically & extremely are synonyms? What dictionary are you using? I can believe possibly you meant tardy, but you can’t back pedal from “medically annoying”, no matter how hard you try.

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